
RICS Award for Great Tapestry of Scotland Centre, Galashiels

The team behind the design and build of the Great Tapestry of Scotland visitor centre in Galashiels is celebrating another accolade after winning the RICS Scotland Award for best public building.

The building, designed by Page\Park Architect and built by Ogilvie Construction, consists of gallery spaces, a visitor centre, café, workshop area and offices. The front of the neighbouring B listed post office was refurbished to accommodate staff and studio space.

Colin Smith MRICS, chair of the judging panel, said: “These winning projects are a true testament to the hard work of property professionals in Scotland. The pandemic has led to the industry facing much uncertainty and challenging conditions, but we were delighted, and very proud to see such innovative building projects appearing across our cities and towns.”

The building won the Design Award for New Build (Commercial) in the Scottish Borders Design Awards earlier in 2022. The visitor centre has also received the highest 5-star rating for visitor experience by Visit Scotland, which reflects an ‘exceptional customer experience.’

Marshall Brown were delighted to support main contractor Ogilvie and architects Page/Park with the design, manufacture, supply and installation of the curtain walling for the project. Business Development Manager Barrie Sheppard commented “When Ogilvie approached us about the project, we jumped at the chance to be involved. Prestigious projects like this don’t come along very often, so we were delighted to have been successful.”

The Great Tapestry of Scotland is a unique project to stitch the entire story of Scotland from pre-history to modern times and through its artistry and visual storytelling, making Scotland’s history, heritage and culture accessible to all.